Purchasing property on the Gold Coast means you are probably flying internationally when you come to visit or stay at your property. While some domestic investors may have a short 1-hour trip to their Gold Coast property, this is not true for many investors or people on holiday who are coming from other countries and facing hours on a place.
Jet lag is a real problem and can be combatted through changing pre- and post-flight habits. Try these simple but effective tips and you’ll avoid the plague of jet lag. Plus, you’ll want to make the most of your time on the Gold Coast—since there is so much to do and see!
A Pre-Flight Exercise
Try not to skip your exercise routine before going on a trip. Working up a sweat prior to a long journey has been proven to improve sleep quality, which is essential when you are in a different environment and a completely different time zone.
Cold water and ice can cause your stomach to become upset and cause jet lag related symptoms. Avoid it at all costs! But, staying hydrated is crucial and helps keep your digestive tract running smoothly. Drink plenty of warm or room-temperature water before and during the flight. Make sure to fill up your water regularly and take that time to stretch your legs and move your body around if possible.
Eat Small + Light
Jet bloat is a real thing and it is super uncomfortable. If you are on a long flight, it is the last thing you want to deal with. To avoid any sort of bloat, be cautious about what you are eating. Stick to warm, moist foods if possible and avoid ingesting the following items:
- Bread
- Crackers
- Cold desserts
- Soft drinks
- Alcohol
- Coffee
Develop Smart Sleep Habits
You need to prepare yourself for your new waking hours by adjusting your sleep schedule while you are on the plane. To do this, experts suggesting meditating every two hours for 30 to 60 minutes and only sleeping during the sleep hours of your destination.
Stretch Often
Stretch every couple of hours to get your blood flowing. Standing, reaching your arms up or letting your head and neck flop will get blood circulating and helps mobilise the lower spine and brain.
Pack the Essentials
You know your body—do you get cold on flights? Pack a wrap or bring a thin blanket. If you have trouble blocking out sound, pack noise-canceling headphones. Bring a neck pillow if you need extra support to get sleep. Whatever will keep you comfortable and cozy and allow you to rest, do that.
When you Arrive
Yay—you made it! It’s time to explore and be jet-lag free. But first, make sure to take a warm bath or shower and to moisturize your skin. Meditate and double your water intake. Avoid alcohol and avoid napping but get to bed at a good time that evening. The result will be more time to explore the Gold Coast and less time dealing with the aftereffects of an unwelcomed jet lag!